3 6
4 7
3 2
7 8 9
5 3
3 4
2 3
Best time:2:19 (46 solved)

Sudoku id: 1227
publish date: 2021-09-22
Level: very easy

Your Time:


Mistake = 1 minute to clock.
Tip = 40 seconds.
Your time: The time starts once you place a number on the sudoku.
Time stops: When you click on the 'check solution' button, and you have completed successfully.
Pause time: Will make the sudoku grid invisiable. We want to save time data on how long it takes to solve a sudoku.
Try a different ramdom sudoku
>>>> Medium
Back to the daily sudoku page.


Position Name Time
1 John C 2:19
2 rj 6:25
3 n/a 6:43
4 too slow 7:22
5 zz 8:24
6 n/a 16:42
7 gigi 16:55
8 n/a 17:14
9 FREDDO 17:17
10 فوتک 17:19
11 cjb 17:24
12 n/a 17:54
13 n/a 17:58
14 jfc 18:06
15 xxx 18:30
16 2311365146351nbc 18:42
17 n/a 18:53
18 Haven 19:02
19 n/a 19:11
20 mimi 19:27
21 javati 20:15
22 erik 21:05
23 margie joy 21:58
24 n/a 22:14
25 kay kay 24:03
26 n/a 24:27
27 n/a 24:44
28 ckc 25:05
29 LG 25:30
30 Dan 25:45
31 n/a 26:24
32 look 26:51
33 n/a 27:11
34 errrrrrrrrrrrrrr 27:32
35 mimi 27:33
36 n/a 27:34
37 n/a 27:37
38 b;ah b;ah 27:42
39 kol 27:43
40 poptabzman 28:05
41 hink 35:44
42 javajumper 41:36
43 nate 44:58
44 hamburg 45:54
45 aa 46:55
46 Jermaine Daniels 56:00